Stephanie Stalls

Boy, what a way to end the year--one of the best SCORE pictorials ever! Stephanie Stalls is a dream chick--beautiful, lovely smile, heavenly body and dressed superbly. You've gotta get this babe regularly. Never mind the guy-on-gal. She's perfect for secretary and nurse type pictorials and clips, and, of course, a bra modeling video. The bra shows for me are amongst the best SCORE features, the Crystal Gunns one and the Minka one for example from years ago were amazing! Can I ask for one more in particular--please do a bra modeling video (and a long one!) of Penny Porsche. God I'd kill to see that! And if she wore stockings and suspenders too--wow! Keep up the good work, chaps, and keep Stephanie on the books! All the best, N.

Stephanie Stalls