Badda-bing, badda-boom.
And badda-boob. Know what we're talkin' about? Deauxma is the boss' wife. We don't mean the boss of the local chapter of the Boy Scouts. Deauxma's with her husband's stooge, Gino. He's driving her around. She wants a drink so she tells Gino to call her husband. She actually wants to drink Gino's jizz-fizz and starts sucking his sausage on the side of the road as cars whiz by on the highway. They head back to a more comfortable place so Gino can juggle this busty dynamite.
Ever the loyal wife, Deauxma tells Gino that she needs his cock before she goes home to her "big, fat bastard husband." Happy to oblige even if he is suicidal, Gino fucks her mouth while the stacked brunette plays with his meatballs. He grabs the back of her head and jams his beef bologna down her throat as Deauxma licks his balls tenderly while sitting on the floor.
Gino fucks Deauxma's big tits. She squeezes her melons, wedging his meatball sub inside her cleavage. Deauxma wants Gino's prick in her cunt and rides him reverse-cowgirl style, gets banged from behind and finally pile-driven. Gino sticks his two fingers into Deauxma's asshole to open it up and then proceeds to ram the boss' wife's butthole. He might as well go out in a blaze of glory. There's more where Gino came from for Deauxma, mob wife.