You've met this woman before. She's the woman who was trapped in an unhappy marriage for too many years. The woman who wondered if her sexual side would ever have the chance to break free...or if she would be caged forever. Fortunately for her–and for the rest of us–52-year-old Lacey Westin broke free. This 5'8", 144-pound, athletically-built brunette is finally living out her sexual fantasies...part of which includes getting naked in front of the cameras for our viewing pleasure. We're glad she picked 40SomethingMag.com for her debut.
40Something: Are you a swinger, a nudist or both?
Lacey: Most swingers are usually nudists. We're all exhibitionists. We're all comfortable and confident in our bodies, and we feel good about ourselves. The thing is, I'd wanted to get into that lifestyle for a long time. I've always had this other side I wanted to explore, so I finally took the leap just two and a half years ago and decided to do it. I said, "I've always been thinking about it. I might as well take the leap and go do it," otherwise I'm going to be looking back 20 or 30 years from now and saying, "I wish I did, but it's too late now." So I started dabbling in the swinger lifestyle, and I enjoyed it. It's mainly the sexiness that I love. It's not about the sexual part. To me, that's a fringe benefit. I love the sexy, glamour, flirtatious part. The tease. And that's something I'd always had to keep in the background because if you're in a relationship, and if you're being flirtatious out in public...I didn't want to be accused of wanting to cheat on my husband. So that other side of me had to be kept locked up, but now I'm going to do whatever I want to do.
40Something: How come you waited until two and a half years ago to get into your current lifestyle?
Lacey: Well, I turned 52 last January, and when I turned 50, that was my time to say, "The next part of my life is a whole new chapter." I've always looked at life like my cup was half-empty, and now I'm ready to go on to the next phase in my life and express that sexiness and that flirtatious side of me, that teasy side that I love. I can tease the guys real easy! I've been to a lot of parties where there are a lot of swingers, and I have a lot of fun teasing. They love it.
40Something: Let's go back to the whole tease thing: When do you take it past the tease?
Lacey: If somebody really turns me on. The seduction is a mind game, and if you seduce someone, obviously the mind's going to start playing along with it. And if you know you're going to play with someone, there has to be some physical chemistry. And then you have to know you can communicate. But I actually prefer the tease. And you know what I really like? When I walk past guys and I know, because I can see out of the corner of my eyes, that they're watching me. Or once I was on a date, and we were really getting into it out on the dance floor, and it was at a regular club, not a swing club, and when we were walking out, this guy said to the date I was with, "Man, you are one lucky son of a bitch!" and my date said, "Why?" And he said, "You have one hot woman there." And I was like, "Yeah!" I liked that! My date loved it, too.