SCORE: A member named Alex wrote, "I love the way she talks to you almost like you are there in the same room." When you look at the camera in a solo video, do you think of the guys who will be jacking to you?
Tigerr: Yes, I do always. That was one of the first attractions I had for doing this. It was good for my ego. Now it's good because I just like sex. But I still like the idea of guys and girls watching me. I was in Oxford the other day 'cos I am a huge Inspector Morse fan. I went into a pub and got talking to an old lady. I like old people. She was telling me how she used to be a chorus girl in shows and then started telling me about all the crazy things she did when she was young. You could see in her face that she was probably really beautiful when she was young.
"I thought after that it will be odd that when I am an old bag, my videos shot at SCORE will still be around. I will still look young and sexy even when I'm old! So when sometimes people are snooty to me because of what I do for a living, I don't care because I will live forever!"