"Romantic days enjoying fine wine and dining followed by passionate, raunchy sex are my favorite," said 53-year-old Ciara Blue from Tampa, Florida. Here, Ciara is modeling a red vintage bullet bra with old-fashioned garter and stockings and heels. She takes them off, of course, to reveal her big tits and tight pussy.
Ciara had never taken off her clothes for the camera before she visited our studio and was fulfilling a long-time fantasy, one that her country club friends certainly wouldn't approve of.
"They're pretty uptight," she said. "I don't think they would even know what a creampie was," Ciara said at the time.
Well, Ciara obviously didn't need their approval for anything, because she came back for more. She is now divorced and living life on the wild side.
"I used to be a typical soccer mom, but I wanted to try something new. Shooting with you guys the first time is what really got the ball rolling as far as my new life is concerned. I've always been a very sexual person. Even when I was married, I had a great sex life, fucking twice a day. But now that I'm unattached, I get to enjoy things that I never was able to before. I can have sex in front of a camera--and off it--with all kinds of beautiful men and women. I've had the pleasure of having group sex in a hot tub in Jamaica. I've gone hole to hole on a golf course, if you know what I mean. I really had a sexual awakening at 50. It was like being reborn!"