Tina (debuting in April '09 Voluptuous magazine) doesn't normally shower like this every morning. The German Milf wants to make breast-men happy. When the hand-held shower head was invented, the designers had to have known what women like Tina would do with them. A sales manager in Berlin, her hobbies are reading, watching movies, walking and sex, and not in that exact order. She likes Asian food, red wine and chocolate. Tina keeps her activities low-key and private. "I wear eyeglasses and men say that makes me look like a librarian," Tina claims. Tina feels she is entering the horniest phase of her life and that's one of the main reasons she decided to get into the hyper-sexual adult scene. If she goes out in the evening after work, she dresses as sexy as she can and flaunts her chest. When the mood strikes, she'll visit a swingers club with her partner. "I have a big tits and a very big clit," says Tina. "So at these parties, I attract a lot of attention."