Is this the break-out year for Vanessa Y.? After photographing the smiling wonder-woman in Europe, SCORE invited her to the Dominican Republic for even more photo shoots that are heading for publication. The past year has brought more comments and emails about Vanessa, on both the SCORELAND Blog and SCORELAND. Some say she has perfect boobs. Others enjoy her down-home personality on-video. Many love her wide-spreading talents. Some mourn the loss of her Polish hairpiece. The opposite camp enjoys seeing her now-trimmed lady-lips. When it's all said and done, Vanessa brings an earthy, natural quality to the Big Show that has tit-men buzzing. The last four photos in this set of Vanessa simply standing straight, arms at her sides, perfectly illustrate the brick house proportions of her stacked physique.
Vanessa Y. – To Kill A Bra
Added February 7, 2014 at 1:30 pm
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