What's got me all in a froth I hear you ask? Well, it's Gya Roberts' exquisite pool table pictorial, that's what! I don't know what precipitated it but for the longest time I've had a powerful fetish for girls posing and getting fucked on pool tables. I actively try to seek out movies, scenes, and photos showing this particular scenario but it's surprisingly slim pickings out there. So when I saw this set of Gya, it was like my prayers had been answered. She looks absolutely out of this world. She gives such awesome, slutty facial expressions and has tits, pussy and ass to die for. And those nylons and red patent fuck-me pumps just round off the package beautifully. I genuinely didn't know where to focus my gaze. I felt like a kid in a sweet shop. Suffice to say I've shot numerous satisfying loads and will continue to do so. Gya has rocketed to the top of my personal leader board. I feel that I should point out that I'm not particularly big on the game of pool. I don't even play it, except very occasionally. There's just something sleazy about girls sprawling across the baize, playing with sticks and balls that makes me surprised it's so under-represented in porn. I really wish you guys would do a movie centered on a pool tournament. Maybe something in the vein of my favorite film, K-JUGS. Imagine all those fat asses bending over the table and fat titties squashed against the green felt! Talk about distracting (if you're a guy and trying to play competitively)!-S.O.
Hi S.O., sorry, we don't have Joana's panties to give away. The magazine contests have focused on the bra giveaways so we don't collect sign panties. But we will consult with the studio about future contests with both bra and panties as the prize.