Dressed and made-up to look like a 1940's pin-up, the kind of tough dame that Jimmy Cagney pushed around or a gangster's moll, Elaina Gregory is a knock-out in this retro-vintage throwback to an earlier style. Never before has a "skirt," as they called chicks back then, been so bullet bra-busting and girdle-destroying. What do you think about a look like this for Elaina? What would you prefer to see her wear, before she wears the best outfit of them all (her birthday suit). And let's have a hand for that unshaved triangle below her fertile hips? "I kind of felt like my furry pussy went along with this retro theme," said Elaina. "I was glad to grow out my hair for the fans. But I wonder if they want to watch me shave it off too? Or do they prefer to see hair?"