"My Nipples Are Very Sensitive"

We can thank Zeta Verrone's husband for encouraging her to submit her pictures to XL Girls. There aren't that many guys generous enough to do that. "He really likes girls built like me, and as I'm getting into modeling I'm finding there are a lot of guys out there that like curvier girls," Zeta told an XL Girls editor. "For a long time I didn't believe my husband when he told me that he liked my body the way it was, but I was finally able to accept it. And I was totally fine with being here undressing, whereas before I'd probably be really shy and trying to hide somewhere." What tipped the decision for Zeta to not only pose starkers, but to fuck also? "Just realizing that there isn't anything wrong with the way I am. Just because I'm not a really skinny girl doesn't mean that I'm any less attractive. As long as I like myself, that's the most important thing. Also, I'd been going on your website and looking at the kinds of girls you shoot and it makes me feel better. And the guys really like them so that's a confidence booster." What are Zeta's favorite fuck positions? "I like good old-fashioned doggie-style, and I like to be on my back with my legs on the guy's shoulders." As for tit-play: "They're sensitive so there's a very specific way it needs to be done. When I'm in the mood for it I just let my husband go at it. He, or any other guy, can play with the actual boob hard. But the nipples are sensitive so they need to be more careful there. But every now and then I'll let my husband play with them hard. For a while I was actually considering getting a reduction or a lift, and one of the side effects is loss of sensitivity so that would have been a plus. But now I'm thinking against it. I want to keep these boobs." Please, Zeta, eliminate all thoughts of breast reduction from your mind. Not only would we not be able to bring you back to XLGirls, it would be a waste of a beautiful pair. "My husband didn't like the idea. Even if it would have meant that my nipples would be less sensitive. And I don't know, I just woke up one day and realized it was a terrible idea. They look good, and people have always told me how nice they are, so why would I want to get rid of them? Also there could be complications, or it could look bad after. And it's really just not worth it."