Welcome to the Jiggly Room. Your hostess with the mostess, newbie Nancy Navarro. Nancy's a recent arrival to the Halllowed Halls of Hooters and debuted in April '12 SCORE. A New Yorker, a Yankees fan and a traffic stopper (a triple threat), Nancy works in the real estate industry but has stepped up to the plate to take a swing at sexy body baring. "There can be times when I'm walking down the street and everybody's staring, and they're just looking at my cleavage," Nancy explained. "Or I could be walking with a jacket and a scarf on, but they're still looking because they know they're hiding. Even in the winter, people will be on the phone and they'll look up when I walk by. They'll do a double-take, even though it's winter, snowing, gloves, scarf and everything. You can't see skin, all you can see is my face and still. They catch the boobs." Living in the concrete jungle, Nancy looks straight ahead when she's out and about. "It keeps me out of trouble. Let's say I'm looking at you or I smile, your wife might think I'm actually flirting. That's the defense mechanism I adopted in New York City. Headphones on and look straight ahead!" That could explain why street guys in New York make those weird sounds when a hot girl passes by.