Her occupation (housewife) doesn't fit, does it? You look at Marina Rene and you figure, "Professional dominatrix,"or "dungeon equipment supplier" or, at the very least, "tattoo artist and body piercer." But it's true: Marina Rene is a housewife from Germany, and her very lucky husband gets to play with her pierced nipples and multi-pierced pussy. But so do others! Marina told us that her favorite thing is to have "my husband's cock in my pussy, a stranger's cock in my ass and another man sucking on my breasts." It's something she has experienced many times, although, as she pointed out, "sometimes my husband just watches while men have their way with me. He knew I was a very kinky woman when he married me, and he wasn't going to try to change me or tie me down. Besides, he's not that type of man." What type of man is he? The type of man who walks a few steps behind his wife as she strolls through a sex convention in Germany, topless, tits swaying, taking in the admiring, lust-filled looks of men and women. Marina says men are often a little intimidated by her pussy jewelry. "They think, 'How am I going to get my cock in there? Aren't the rings going to get in the way?' But they don't get in the way at all. In fact, once you get inside my pussy, you will find that the rings rub against your penis and create a very pleasing sensation. It is very good for me, too. When you are fucking my pussy, you push some of the rings up against my clit, and it is like you are fucking me and licking my pussy at the same time." So even when she's with just one guy--which she rarely is--she reaps the benefits of group sex. "Not all women would do what I did. But not all women are me!"