Devyn Devine was a dancer before she became an adult video star and model. "You can suffocate in my cleavage," says Devyn who wears a 36 DDD bra. That means her bustline is 43 inches, only 16 inches less that her height (a bit over 58 inches). Short and stacked isn't the word! "Did I tell you that I was a dancer? I was a dancer for six years, and I would take tips with my boobs. Guys would put dollars down on tip row, and I would take them and put them in their mouth, and I'd push my tits together around their faces to take the tip, and I tell ya, I almost killed a lot of men. I'd forget that they were in there. I'd take the dollar and the song would be playing, and I'd forget a guy was in there, and I'd be like, 'Oh, crap, I'd better let him out.'" Fortunately, she never killed anyone and no one claimed to suffer any neck injuries because of Devyn like a couple of guys did years back with exotic dancers Tawny Peaks and Busty Heart. Devyn needs a strong man because she can be a tough chick from Brooklyn. "I'm so dominant in life. My personality is so in-your-face and out there, and sometimes a girl just needs to be put in her place." Agreed.