Just recently, a boob wrote in to say that XL models should lose weight! Definitely a guy who does not appreciate well-rounded, curvy women. The quiet Czech, Monica may be quiet but she still makes a good point about how the world, especially the U.S., looks at the female body. "American women are obsessed with being slim and having plastic surgery. American society encourages this. We have the best plastic surgeons in my country and that is why many foreigners flock here. I love my body and my tits. I am happy in my body. I don't understand the American fascination with skinny bodies, fake lips and fake round tits. I will never get my breasts smaller or liposuction. I love my tits too much and the guys love them. They love my big body. There are no magazines sold here, except for yours, that have women with my shape." And to back up her words, Monica puts her nipples where her mouth is.