A boob-bomb of a new arrival (March '11 Voluptuous), Analee Sands has a horny boy-girl encounter this edition, hot enough to nearly set the sheets on fire. She knows how to treat a hard man! The proof is in the pictures! Do guys spend a lot of time gazing upon her large tits? You'd take it for granted that any self-respecting breast-dude would. What would you do? "Some of them do and some of them don't," reveals Analee. "There's one guy who can never remember my name until he sees my boobs. Once he recognizes my boobs my name automatically pops in his head. Some guys have a habit of talking to them like people. Their eyes usually bulge out and their mouths drops open. They have a habit of playing with them for a long time. About an hour later they're still playing with them. The rest of me wants attention, too!" Agreed! There's more to explore with a cutie like her.