Hi guys,
Do you know what the problem with the military is? Not all those tanks and guns and missiles. It's that they don't have a government issue bra to fit a girl like me! I mean, really, they seem to have everything else, why not a bra for truly big guns? I think I'm going to have the lady who makes all my custom bras design a N.A.T.O. bra for me and other women in the military with larger than average boobs. It'll be the Naturally and Totally Overstuffed bra, and I'll sell it to armies all over the world. Governments are always selling missile technology, right? Why not sell some technology that will enable them to appeal to gals with enormous boobs? Wouldn't that be good for morale, having battalions of women with DD, DDD and larger boobs? I think it would give all those horny guys in the trenches a whole lot to fight for. And, imagine what the attitude will be like in the barracks! Having big-bosomed women around will undoubtedly relieve a lot of the stress of military life. Put a few thousand gals like me out in there in the field with a push-up underwire brassiere under our uniforms, and there won't be a single enemy bloke out there who won't be racing to surrender.
Take care,