Shelly Pins Down Her Prize: Cock!

And now, for the main event, Shelly "The Burbank Bomber," fresh off a convincing, dominating victory over Juan "The Stick" Largo claims her prize. She's already got the championship belt wrapped around her waist (although your eyes will probably be on her G-cup bombers). What she wants now is a prize of another kind... the kind of prize that (we think) The Rock and John Cena never claimed over in WWE. "What do I want because I'm the winner?" she says, standing over Juan like the champion she is. "I want that cock. I want him to fuck me because I'm the winner."
Sounds to us like Juan's the winner, too. Now, Juan took a pretty bad beating from Shelly (a real-life mud wrestler), but really, was it so bad that he ended up laid out on the mat, prone, unable to move? No, of course not. It's clear to us that the bout was fixed and Juan threw the match so Shelly would have her way with him. So what does she do?
She takes off her championship belt and smothers Juan with her tits, then beats his face with them. She sucks his cock. She lets Juan fuck her right there on the mat, the squared circle, the place where champions are born and laid. In the end, Juan cums on her tits. Now you tell us who won the match?