She wants her pics to shock you.

"I've already got tattoos and piercings, so getting rude for a magazine was something else I thought of to shock people," said Emma. "I don't like being nice and normal; that's not me. I like people to stare at me, so I always try to be the center of attention by the way I dress and act when I go out. Of course I like to have blokes checking me out more than other girls, and it's thrilling to think about how many blokes will be checking me out-every inch of me-as they look at these photos."
"I don't have the time or the desire or the patience to get into normal dating," said Emma. "When I'm feeling very randy and diddling myself isn't doing it for me, I can always go out and find a bloke to shag for a night or two or three, depending on how good he is. I like to take charge when it comes to sex. I know what I want and need to cum and I know how to get there. But I'm not all take and no give. I give awesome blow jobs, so I've been told: blokes always want more once they've had one. And blokes say my twat is tight and hot and I'm a loud and enthusiastic fuck. Okay?"