You have seen dozens of weather and news anchors depending upon how old you are. You have never seen a newscaster like Kerry Marie before. She was born to announce the news for the BBB (British Boobs Bureau). It should be no surprise to you that her ratings have busted out. She needs no support, at least on the air. There are plans underway to post billboards of Kerry along the M5. That should slow traffic down. It is all the station manager can do to keep Kerry from wrecking her desk, the way she carries on. Her female co-workers are jealous and have their daggers out, but her male associates could not be happier. In fact, Kerry has her hands full keeping their hands off her pointers. Not only does she do the news and weather, she does the commercials for her sponsors. Here is true talent.
Janet Jackson caused a ruckus in the United States just by flashing one tiny boob on television. She only wishes she had what Kerry's got under her blouse. Kerry's the best damn news and weather girl that the television industry's ever seen. Not only is her appearance pulling in huge ratings, but her diction is perfect. She acts out the weather so that even the biggest simpletons and morons at home will know whether to put on their raincoats or rub on the sun block. Now many other weather girls across the world have studied Kerry's on-air style and are copying her, although they can't come close to stretching a blouse like she can. Between weather and news reports, Kerry also does the TV commercials for Kerry's Kream, a product she admittedly does have a financial stake in. There are so many highlights in this video, your head will spin.