Day one of Alyce, the newest up-and-comer in porn. These are the first photos she ever shot for anyone, so enjoy this porno newbie in all her fresh glory.
Alyce normally doesn't wear panties. She says that her hobbies include singing, going on dates to eat sushi and watch movies, playing tennis, and studying for her psychology degree.
"I would say that the weirdest thing about me is that I have a fetish for animal tail butt plugs! They are normal stainless steel plugs, but the end has, like, a fox tail coming out so when I wear it, it looks like I have a cute tail. They make them for all sorts of animals, too. It's not just foxes.
"My kinkiest sexual encounter was after I met a sexy DJ at a local consignment shop's holiday party. He had just finished his set when I arrived, and I had my two chihuahuas in my arms. He came up to me to pet my dogs. I asked him for his number, but he invited me over to his house instead. After a quick tour of his house, he pulled me towards him and kissed me really hard. Then he reached down and pulled off my white fishnet stockings. He pushed me to the ground and pulled out his cock. It was pornstar big, so I was a happy girl. We fucked like animals until I was sore. It was probably the roughest and best sex I've ever had."