We told Tiffany that she's one of the cutest girls we've ever seen. We wanted to know if she has a full dance card every weekend.
"Thank you! And I wouldn't really say that guys are lined up to see me. I don't know if they're intimidated by me or something, but I don't go out on that many dates. I actually only started dating recently, because my parents were very strict with me when I was younger and they wouldn't let me talk to boys too much. But the few dates I have been on were pretty fun."
And what's a date without goodnight sex? Tiffany puts out for most guys.
"Not on all of them, but on some of them, yeah. I felt a little guilty at first 'cause I thought I might be giving it up too easily, but I got over it. I just wanted to fuck and have fun, and there's nothing wrong with that."