A Black Cock And A Cream Pie For The Big 5-0!

Lucy Holland, an office manager from rural Georgia, just turned 50 on September 9, 2010. We missed her birthday--hey, you know how guys are with women's birthdays--but when we realized the big day had passed, we called her up, flew her into our studio and gave her a belated birthday present. Two presents, actually.
Lucas Stone's big, black cock.
And a cream pie.
Yep, while most women are enjoying birthday cake, Lucy is enjoying a cream pie in her still-tight pussy...after Lucas pounds her every which way, that is.
"I'm just a small-town housewife who wants to have a little fun," Lucy once told us. "Everybody needs to let their wild side out once in a while."
Of course, Lucy let her wild side out for the first time on 40SomethingMag.com. She was 48 back then. We think she's gotten sexier. But we'll let you be the judge.
Oh, yeah, Happy birthday, Lucy!