Can You Believe This Girl Wrestled?

Think it would be easy wrestling Carrie? Think again. We'd wrestle her just to lose! Let Carrie explain. "I played volleyball and I was on the wrestling team. I went to State Championships and everything. I wrestled a lot of guys, not girls. It's not typical, but I did it. They told me that I couldn't do it. And when you tell me that, I just become determined to do it. So, I beat out my weight class in varsity and they let me on the team. There was one other girl on the team, too. We didn't wrestle each other. She was all skin and bones, so we were in different weight classes. Most of the time the guys wouldn't want to wrestle me because I was so good. They were afraid of me. Yes, I wore the spandex onesie that all wrestlers wear. My boobs didn't spill out either. You see, I would wear a really tight sports bra and then my coach would wrap an Ace bandage around me and then duct tape around that, so I was pretty stuffed in there. My boobs weren't going anywhere with all that on there. I got disqualified in the State finals. because I dislocated my shoulder. Actually, I did it to myself. I was pinned and in order to get out of it, I dislocated my shoulder. So I got disqualified. It was just something that happened. I just couldn't go any further after that. So, I was finished at that point. The guys never asked me out either. They might have been intimidated or seen me as just one of the guys." Not us! What a bod! Carrie, please model again! Come back!