Shapely cocktail server Angel DeLuca has the sad task of telling you it's last call at the lounge. Now if you think you're done giving Angel a complete body scan with your eyes, you're mistaken. She's off the clock now and she's going to stick around and make sure she gives you a hard-on.
XLGirls: Angel, do you do household chores, like cleaning, topless or naked?
Angel: I like to vacuum in a tight, low-cut dress with six inch stilettos.
XLGirls: Nice. What superpower would you like to have for one day?
Angel: I would want to have Phoenix/Jean Grey's powers from X-Men.
XLGirls: Are you called by any pet names?
Angel: Usually it's "Open bobs BB" but I also get called Angel when they start looking at my face.
XLGirls: For editorial clarity, "Open bobs BB" is what some guys from non-English speaking countries will type when they're chatting with a cam girl. On the subject of "Show your boobs, baby," have your breasts ever fallen out of your top in public?
Angel: Once my wife's tit popped out during a Las Vegas dinner convention with Chaturbate. Does that count?
XLGirls: Not really. During a volleyball game on the beach was what we had in mind.