Meet Kelly Christiansen. Blog readers met Kelly in a quick video introduction. This Holiday '10 edition marks Kelly's official SCORE debut, the first of many to come. Kelly had never modeled before until now. Her SCORE story mirrors Jayden Prescott's in many way. Kelly is married and her husband is a SCORE reader, just like Jayden. "My husband reads SCORE," Kelly told us in a chat the day she posed for this initial layout (available in the Interviews section of SCORELAND's Galleries). "He's a website member, too, and he also buys some videos. He loves Julia Miles." Ah, so he's a member of the Boob Brotherhood. And a generous one. "I always knew it. He was very open about it. And he likes girls like me. He prefers a little meat on the bones. It's flattering, like, 'Oh, good, I don't have anything to worry about.' He said, 'Hey, look, they have this BeASCOREModel.com website,' so we watched the little introductory video and he said, 'You should do this.'" It wasn't the first time he's said this to Kelly. Married to Kelly for ten years, he's been saying it for a while. "He's always said, 'You should show off your body,' but I was a little heavier back then so I wasn't very confident. Not comfortable, I guess you could say. Now I'm very comfortable. I lost the weight." This is a topic discussed for years at SCORE. If a guy has a hot girlfriend or wife, would he be comfortable and at ease having her pose naked, and even more, fingering herself, playing with toys, all the way to fucking total strangers? There are some who would and all SCORE Men are the beneficiaries. It takes a liberated couple. Kelly's held many jobs in her life. Being in SCORE is the most unusual of them all. "I wanted to go to school for modeling, but I never did. My parents couldn't afford it. I went to school, and since then, I've done a lot of things. I used to work for a newspaper. I was a telemarketer. I've done a lot of sales. Sales rep. Right now I do wedding planning." Kelly was so at ease and relaxed the first day at SCORE, you'd have thought she was a veteran model!