Tiggle Bitties has done the coed look and the mean fetish mistress. This time, the tape wrapped around the glasses (not to mention the knee-high socks and overall clothing) can only mean it's "Nerd Girl" cosplay time.
Tiggle doesn't need to go to amusement parks or state fairs. Her body and huge, pliable hooters are a total wonderland. She says they're "full & juicy." Tiggle always makes sure she has a fun time and she shares the fun with her visits to sunny Miami. Playing with her clit in this video gives her a big, very visible lady boner.
SCORELAND: So, Tig, if you can choose any word or sentence printed on your T-shirt, what would it be?
Tiggle: "Yes, they're real. So are my eyes."
SCORELAND: You could probably add more lines considering your bust measurement. What kind of dreams do you have?
Tiggle: Typically, I'm running around trying to find a place to have sex with no luck. Blargh!
SCORELAND: That's no fun. Change that to running naked through a flower field. How do other, less boob-fortunate girls, react to you?
Tiggle: Well, I'm met with a mix of curiosity and having them feel off-put by me. It depends on the situation. It's "How many people am I going to be around?" Women get less cleavage. Much less. They feel threatened. I don't mean this to sound bitchy, but I get weird looks from women, so I try to be less threatening by covering my boobs.
SCORELAND: But you like women, don't you?
Tiggle: I'm actually considered pansexual. I appreciate things about men and women. I actually like women more than I do men. It's boobs, honestly. It's the softness. A woman is shaped so softly and her skin is so soft and her boobs are so nice.