Lexi Summers' first trip to ride the beef bat. She proves that Texas produces horny girls. "I don't like to waste time," Lexi told us. She was talking about her love for cock. She says she has sex when she's dating but if she's not seeing one special dude, she'll get fucked anyway because she's a newcomer to the adult scene. She's single but looking. "Porn guys are all business and I like that. The really good ones don't bring any baggage with them. They use their cocks like tools and I like that. They come and they go. I'm not looking for a steady companion when I do a scene. I just want to have fun. Sex is like a sport to me. It's sport fucking and I love being photographed while a guy is fucking me." Lexi will now demonstrate how she does the nasty-nasty. "I like kissing but I lke porn sex a lot, just good, hot, no-strings banging. Dirty sex. Like I shouldn't be doing it. Looks don't matter." Lexi likes to read, write and shop. Her kinkiest hook-up was in a dressing room at a mall when she was shopping for shoes and tops. "You keep thinking someone is going to walk in and give you grief. I was also turned-on thinking that security was watching on a hidden camera. I guess that ties into my doing porn." Lexi told us she started off slow. "I was really nervous when I started modeling. Especially because I did a lot of nude photoshoots, but I had never done XXX before. I started off slowly, just posing naked and alone. But after I had done a few nude photoshoots, I got really comfortable and I thought that I could do this as a career. I am really comfortable with my body and being nude in general. It's very easy for me to walk around naked. I prefer to be naked, actually. I did a lot of modeling in Texas and then I started modeling with an agency which is how I ended up coming here to Florida. I was never a dancer. I turned 18 and just started modeling." She even goes to strip clubs. "I am bisexual, so I like getting dances. I like to watch the girls. I like to flirt with all the strippers." Amazing, just 19 now! Now watch Lexi get screwed lewd.