The contrast between XLGirls megastar Renee Ross and 18eighteen babe Sophia Sutra is startling. Their previous motel room sex party was pretty wild. They used tongues, nipples and toys to get their dripping wet cookies off in power-orgasms and they showed everyone a hot time. These pictures match-up Renee and Sophia's physiques in a straightforward way so you can really note the extreme pathways that nature sometimes takes when it hands out the anatomical equipment. There have been several memorable match-ups in the past, the closest to this being Kerry Marie and Missy in 2004 which is archived here on XLGirls. This body comparison is just as jaw-dropping. They had fun doing this and the smiles on their faces is the proof. Renee can lift and carry Sophie like a doll. Sophia was breastnotized by Renee's enormous hooters. Finding another pair like those treasures is unlikely!