Kate Marie is the nude model of the day at SCORE's art class and work shop. Here, students try to improve their drawing and sketching skills with the assistance of a real female model with lots of luscious curves. That's a lot more fun than sketching a bowl of fruit.
Some students are excellent. Others should not quit their day jobs. All of them are motivated and eager. Who would not be with Kate Marie as their muse? Michelangelo would pay the class fee just to sketch this voluptuous young beauty.
After the students leave for the day, Kate is in no hurry to put on her robe and prepare to go home. All that attention and the admiring eyes of the students has warmed her up. So instead of leaving right away, Kate plays with her big natural boobs and sensitive pussy. "Finger play makes me very horny," Kate said. Seeing Kate spank one out standing on the stage of the art class is the proof. Too bad the students aren't around to sketch her.