Sapphire gets into a major jugfest in this XLGirls video that's a solo but is smoking hot by its own merits. Sapphire is one of the leading breast queens, no small statement considering so many terrific girls on this site. Her blue-veined, alabaster boobs have few equals in size and weight. Getting hit in the face by Sapphire's swinging bazongas would be the height of ecstasy for many--well worth the black eyes or mild concussion. And palming them....how many minutes would you play with those hummers? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour before laying the pipe to her? And while this video is mainly a nipple extravaganza, the redheaded Californian doesn't neglect her yummy pink hole and drills it with a Doc Johnson pleaser. Here's to Sapphire! We'd be lost without her.