Lacey Grant is 45 years old. She's a mother of two. And she's also a stripper. Hey, there's nothing like a 40something MILF stripper if you ask us. Or if you ask Lacey.
"I think I'm sexier than the other girls at the club," she said. "Just the way I carry myself. I have the whole package compared to some of the others. A lot of them, they get a little hot, they throw their hair up in a pony tail and couldn't care less about what they look like. But the guys who are coming in want to see sexy women. They want to see women who are made up. They want to see someone who has confidence and knows they look good because they might have a girlfriend who doesn't wear makeup, doesn't fix her hair or a wife that's the same way. They want something that's a little different, and that's where I come in. I'm a little different. I'm there to provide a fantasy."
She succeeds.