Hey guys, one of you members commented on Heidi's photos a couple of weeks ago. We were inspired to hit the archive and see if we had any more content on her. It turns out we shot a video that we used on a DVD but never posted online. We sent it over to the editors and had them update the quality. We're doing this for one member in particular, but we think everybody is going to enjoy it.
Heidi is a gal who knows what she wants. "I like sex two or three times a day when I can get it," she said. "But that doesn't stop me from masturbating. And I like girls, too. I get real antsy if I go too long without getting to lick a juicy pussy and get some of the same back. When it's time to fuck me, tie me up, spank me and do me doggie-style and I'm a happy girl. But I'll want more sex real soon, okay?"