Tiff Bannister's Porn Stud Tryouts - Episode 4

One commenter about the Tiff Bannister challenge felt that a pro stud should take over if the candidate suffers flop sweat and can't get it on with Tiff while the camera rolls. That's not the point. The point of this challenge is to show that being a porn guy is not as simple as guys think it is. The challenge was created because we constantly read comments like "I would fuck her so bad" and "I wanna fuck you so hard in any position, baby." This was the chance for six of them to do that.
Most guys will fail even if they're studs with the ladies back home. This is why you see the same American or European dudes over and over again, such as JMac, Neeo and Thomas.
"Red Rocket" arrives to take the Tiff Bannister challenge. He's brought along his pal Jerry for bro support. Red is nervous. Young Tiff is a knockout with a great body and even in a real-world setting, she would get a lot of guys flustered. Knowing she's a porn star now makes her even more daunting although she has that cute, sweet, girl-next-door personality. She doesn't have a hard-edged porn star attitude.
Red gets some additional bro support from friendly pro stud Juan Largo after they meet on-set. Will Red Rocket score with Tiff or will there be a failure to launch?