Linsey may dress like a droog, but no worries, mates. She's not going to kick your zoobies (teeth) in like Alex was prone to doing in the movie A Clockwork Orange. (Author Anthony Burgess wrote that the title came from an old Cockney expression, "As queer as a clockwork orange.")
"Just a quick note to tell you how great the plaid mini-skirt photo shoot [Skirtspotting] was. Each week's photos seem to be getting better and better. However, the plaid mini was the best yet. It put me in mind of a photoshoot you did a while back called Linsey Afterschool when you again wore a mini-skirt and had your hair in pigtails. It would be great if you could show the 'Linsey Afterschool' photoset again (even just for a limited time) to show off that lovely bod of yours. Lots of luv, Scott, U.K."
See More of Linsey Dawn McKenzie at LINSEYSWORLD.COM!