Looking at the 2009 Hall of Fame, does this mean that we will no longer be seeing those awesome women, especially the most delightful Autumn-Jade and Cindy Cupps but also Diane Poppos, Casey James and others in SCORE? Either way, I have made my choice: It is Autumn Jade and Cindy will have to wait for my vote next time if she does not win. Tell me that these women are not retiring! For Newcomer of the Year: This is tough! For me, it is almost a six-way tie among Alia Janine, Ariana, Faith, Maggie, Eva and Kali. But Eva wins in my book, because she has made a conscious decision to do the most she can with what she's got, and how well she has done that! That is a quality that I admire in anyone. For Model of the Year, I have voted for Crystal Gunns every time she has been in the running. She is top notch, and should have worn the crown well before 2008 in my book. However, this time my vote goes to Harmony Bliss, another favorite. She always looks great; she has one of the best boob-jobs ever; and she always manages to maintain that girl-next-door innocence, even in her boy-girl layouts. She is a gem!-J.C.
Casey has not retired but she deserves honoring.
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