This is sexy, little Jacky O's third pictorial. Her first was in the living room. Her second was in the kitchen where she prepared a fine spread for our staff and made them lunch also. And now this third hook-up in her shower so we can watch her oil up and turn the hose on herself. By the time, Jacky gets done with SCORELAND, she'll have posed bare in every part of the apartment except for the lobby. The doorman will probably not mind. Several questions have come in asking if there's any video of Jacky and her hijinks. Unfortunately, not. We're not sure if Jacky has the same reaction to video that Sharday had during her illustrious career or if it's just a case of time constraints when we hook-up with Jacky. Others have said that facially, she's a combination of Brandy Talore and Jade, a British V-Girl from the late '90s. Jacky does have that babyface look that both of those girls have and a smokin' bod if not as heavy-hanging as Brandy and Jade. Another thing we're still curious about is her pierced nipples and what they do for her. Something to ask her about the next time our staff touches down in Berlin.
See More of Jacky O at SCORELAND.COM!