Adria loves going out and partying and staying out until the wee hours of the morning. She's had some pretty epic nights like that. "I've been known to make some pretty crazy stories when I'm out with my friends. We push each other into doing stupid shit."
But, she shared, that's not her favorite thing to do. "I actually just like spending one-on-one time with whomever I'm dating. I love just staying in the house, watching movies and snuggling. It's more fun because I can suck a guy's cock when we're watching Netflix, or whatever. I can idly just bob on his bell, sucking and licking the precum while we're chilling. There's always the pause button if he gets too horny! He can hit the remote, we can fuck, and then we can go back to it. That's the ideal way to pass the evening hours, I think."