There are two sides to Lin Boyde. There's the classy lady who likes take-charge men who make romantic gestures, such as bringing her flowers. And then there's the super-sexy side who does stuff like spreading her pussy
in an international men's mag.
"Taking pictures like this is pretty risky for me," Lin said. "Since I work for a law firm, I have to dress fairly conservatively and behave fairly conservatively. When I'm not working, I let my wild side come out, but this is pretty wild by the standards of most women. But when the opportunity came to be in 40Something, I couldn't resist."
"What's the kinkiest thing I've ever done?" Lin said. "My guy and I had sex in front of a crowd of people. It was funny because even though we were in a swingers' club, we weren't in the part of the club where people usually have sex, so people were watching us and cheering us on. When he came on my face, I swear it was the most cum I've ever seen. I guess some of the guys must have been masturbating while watching us because two of them walked over and came on my chest when we were finished. Fine by me!"