Meet Mia Magnusson. Jack to Mia Magnusson.

We asked Mia Magnusson, a 61-year-old divorcee, mother and grandmother from Australia, if the people she knows would be surprised to see her here, and she said, "Some, yes, but I have always been unpredictable, so..."
And so, Mia, who's been a professional dancer all her life--mostly Polynesian and belly dancing but go-go and exotic dancing, too--makes her 60PlusMILFs.com debut by telling us about herself and showing off her beautiful body.
"A friend suggested I write to you, and I did," said Mia, who has always been open to new things. Doing this is one of those new things. Fucking on-camera for the first time, which she'll do in the coming days, is another of those new things.
"I don't shy away from cameras and spotlights, whether it's with sex or not," she said. "When you're younger, being awkward and shy, you're a lot more inhibited and shy, and, at least women, you attach a great romantic expectation out of sex, so you're always riding that high and low of broken hearts. When you get older, you can enjoy it for what it is. Freer and more fun."
Mia is free. And she's a lot of fun.
See More of Mia Magnusson at PORNMEGALOAD.COM!